Product description:
Product name: Eko pellets
Country of origin: Bulgaria
Process description: Pressed husk from hulled sunflower
Pressed husk from hulled sunflower
Physical parameters
Size , ф: mm 6
Length: mm > 4 < 30
Density: t/m3 1,0 – 1,4
Bulk density: t/m3 0,55 – 0,65
Heat of combustion (dry fuel): MJ/kg 17,00- 20,50
Heat of combustion (lower working fuel): MJ/kg 16,00- 18,50
Chemical parameters
Total moisture: % 6 – 11
Ash dry fuel: % 1,5 – 3,0
Sulfur/total dry fuel: % < 0.13
Volatile substances( dry fuel ): % 74 - 78
Fixed carbon / Cfix /: % 20 - 23